Monday, May 14, 2012

We're whole people

I spent the last week in Daytona Beach, Florida for grad school. I know, I know...suffering for the library cause:) While I expereinced many interesting things from porpoises to light houses to college grads (Yikes!) by far the most important interactions were with the students and staff at the Florida Braille and Talking Books Library. Here our group heard many stories about people- individuals- and their information needs. We were introduced to a variety of folks and, in a slight way, experienced their world. The tours of the facilites were intriguing, hearing about the various programs was insightful, and interacting on a personal level was a joy. However, the most important aspect of this learning trip can be summed up in a short mantra that was repeated by many of the speakers. "I am a whole person". So, in my profession, that means a patron with a disability may need my help just like any other patron may- or he/she may not. In my personal life that means don't pull my kids away when they're curious about someone's wheel chair or want to ask questions about a service animal. What can it mean for you?

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