May is...national Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, American Bike Month, Older Americans Month, Mental Health Month, Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, Salad Month, Physical Fitness and Sports Month, Flower Month, Duckling Month, and
Photo Month. (*exerted breathing* I'm worn out typing all of them, and that's not the whole list.) We certainly love to give everything equal due. While I'm sure there are many interesting ways to celebrate all of these worthy causes, we're focusing (pun intended) on photo month. I know it may be one of the less imprtant, but it's fun:) It's really pretty simple to participate. You can stop by the library with some great photos you've taken.
I'll display them and you get a prize! Or, you can send them to me via email, Facebook, DA;
I'll display them and you get a prize! Or, you can snail them to me;
I'll display them and you get a prize! Or, well there aren't any other ways I can think of- but you get the idea. See the theme here?
Your work is displayed and you get a prize! Get them here (The Library in LaGrange) by May 31.

These are photos from Mike Mullin's visit last week. I didn't take them:(
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