Is this day about romance or love? "What's the difference", you ask. Romance is based on a feeling and a set of notions one carries around and to which many life encounters are compared and found lacking. Love is a choice- it's about knowing the faults of another person (this person isn't necessarily your 'significant other'- it could be a sibling, a friend, or even a neighbor down the street) but still choosing to put his/ her needs above your own. We often confuse the two; especially today. This day is all about romance and romantic notions, many of which we find in books. There are very few 'love' stories written, but lots of 'romance' novels- especially in YA.
What are some of the notions of romance? Well, read the candy- you know, the little heart-shaped kind. "Be Mine" (love is about me meeting the needs of another); "Kiss Me" (kissing really has nothing to do with love but lots to do with romance); "Lover Boy" (according to the definitions we're using today, what exactly would a 'lover boy' do? Wash dishes, mow the neighbors lawn, put his dirty clothes in the hamper, share his lunch with a stranger, buy someone's morning coffee? These are all acts of love, though not very romantic).
So, as you consider Valentine's Day (which by the way is named for at least one Saint Valentine who was certainly martyred for his faith- again, love not romance) think about the difference between love and romance. Romance is great, but love is always better-
so go out and love someone today!
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