Monday, March 14, 2011

24-Hour Novel Part 2

Wow! Writing the 24-Hour Novel was both exciting and exhausting.  It was fun to watch the novel unfold over the 24-hour period. Seeing the ideas each writer added or didn't add that you were expecting. I don't know about everyone else, but I would read a part and think, "This is the next thing to happen." Then I'd wait for the next author to add his/her part, and it would not be at all what I'd expected. When the illustration was added, it was well-done, but not my image of Clari.  And I'm sure the ending wasn't like anyone else had planned. It's strange, as a reader, I don't anticipate quite so much where the story will end up as I do when I'm actually involved in the creative process.
I was so involved, I had to get out of the shower on Saturday morning to write down an idea I'd had before I forgot it. The bad part, the story didn't go where I'd anticipated, so I never got to use the idea. The unexpected quality added by collaboration made this event both fun and frustrating.
I hope to tweak this process and try it again in the future.
We still don't know what we're doing with the piece now that it's finished, but you can read it here.
If you didn't get to try out writing on this project, start one of your own on DA or another writing site. Just get some friends together, assign everyone a time and see what happens.

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