Tuesday, March 8, 2011

24-Hour Novel Part 1

I'm psyched about the prospect of the 24-Hour novel. Can a bunch of amateur writers create a worthwhile piece in 24 hours? We're gonna give it a try. 11 writers will attempt from Friday to Saturday of this weekend to create a novel in 24 hours. We'll each write for one hour. After that time, I'll probably edit for grammar, syntax, etc; then, who know what we'll do with it. I hope the group decides to make it public here and on some other writing sites.

Why is this a difficult task? Well, the time restraint. Each person is writing on someone else's idea. Each writer just got the outline of the basic idea today- so three days to mull it over. We're all amateurs. We're working toward cohesion, so trying to sustain the tone, diction, etc, of the previous writers. Basically, teen writers are used to having free reign of their writing, and we're choosing to put ourselves in a box- so to speak- and try to write our way out of it.
But, there is hope. These are some really talented teen writers!
You can watch the progress of the 24-hour novel every hour by logging onto http://lagrangecountylibraryteens.blogspot.com/

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