So often we read YA novels, especially those of the dystopian variety, and we think, "Surely, that could never happen". Well, the really good ones, of course, are those that seem almost plausible. The ones that make us, the readers, stop and ponder what events need to transpire for this scenario to be possible. Hunger Games certainly falls into that category for me. I remember as I read it my mind was reeling with thoughts of how we could end up like Panem. I'm currently reading the sequels to Carrie Ryan's The Forest of Hands and Teeth, which is kind of a dystopian, pandemic series. An infection causes people to become zombie-like, sort of, and those who don't have it try to survive. It's really a lot more complicated than that, but I'm not really writing about this particular book:) As I'm reading, I'm wondering how could a pandemic of this proportion happen in America (where the story takes place)?
OK, so there's one line of thought. Skip to this morning. I hear a story on NPR (Yes, I know I'm a geek) about the rationing of prescription drugs- serious drugs for cancer and life-threatening circumstances. People who will die without them, can't get the! Hospitals are being forced to establish policies placing patients in a hierarchy (hopefully, based on need). What sounds like a great plot line for a cool dystopian novel is now our reality. And we thought Unwind was far-fetched.
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